BBB x LHG Summer Showdown

 Here is the full event video, I will write the timestamps for each fight.

BBB x LHG Summer Showdown 2024- All Fights - Bristol Bot Builders Beetleweight Combat Robots

The venue for this event was lovely, however the constant rain was a bit annoying, especially when it dripped off the marquees down the back of my neck!

We arrived at the venue and went into the tech check with the heaviest setup we could run, and passed safety with no issues. 

Fight 1: (06:46)

My first fight was against Om Nom and Carbon Copy. I was happy with this match up as I would be the only spinner against a grabber (?) and a cluster bot. The fight began and I quickly engaged with one of the halves of Carbon Copy, using my full weight to push it into the wall and slice some material off the front wedge. I then reversed to give myself a bit of a run up and hit the cluster again, this time ripping the wedge off and slamming it into the ceiling. Whilst this was happening, Om Nom had somehow gotten stuck with mouth open, so was counted out. I then got ganged up on by the Carbon Copies, who nearly managed to flip me over, so I hit the pit release button and got a push, sending one half down the pit. however due to the belt not being tight enough, it had slipped off leaving me to just push the other half and wait for a judge's decision, which I won! I had finally won a beetleweight fight!

Fight 2: (25:12)

Oh well done, you won a fight! Now go fight Baby Dead Bod (again). Oh well. This fight was very quick. Due to the pit being broken earlier, it was stuck halfway down, and of course, I ended up straight in there. BDB ripped straight through one of the wedges completely, which was given to Thomas after the fight. I was actually quite relieved to lose this way, because it meant we still had a robot for the third fight. Speaking of which...

Fight 3: (43:20)

My final fight was against Ray, an adorable fox themed lifting wedge. The fight started with Ray box rushing me, but sort of bouncing off and landing upside down. I came round for the easy hit and ripped one the paws off. Ray was still upside down unable to move, and my weapon belt had snapped and flew away, so I didn't do the smart thing and take the KO, I hit them back over and carried on. The rest of the fight was a very pushy driving match, with Ray nearly inverting me a few times, but the forks did their job and I managed to squeeze and judge's decision win! That's right, two wins in one event!! I am so happy with this performance, and got an awesome picture and a Ray plushie!


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